Friday, March 14, 2025

Five on Friday: Desperately Searching Spring


Listen, I have lived in New Jersey my entire life and I am fully aware that we are only into fake spring right now but I am HERE FOR IT. I can't say I'm seeing solid signs of spring but I am looking . . . hard. Sometimes even forcing* it.


1. Hanging the clothes out on the line: 

2. It's not warm enough for the Vespa yet (at least not for cold-wimpy me) but I was able to break in my new pants!

3. I know other folks near us have seen crocuses blooming but seeing as we live above the county's Magical Weather Line™ we have had no such luck. But they are trying!
Soon, babies, soon!

4. Cooking has begun to migrate back outdoors . . . to be followed soon enough by al fresco dining.      


5. *When I say forcing it . . . I really mean more like providing a loving environment to coax and encourage one to become one's fulfilled self. 

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