Friday, May 6, 2022

Five on Friday: Imaginary Book Titles for Teens & the People Who Parent Them

There are a lot of blogs about parenting younger kids. It's only natural, I guess, since they provide a constant barrage of insanity. But older kids still require parenting and, likewise, the need for parental decompressing either via ranting, laughing, crying or a combination of the three.

Thus begins my series (fine, I only have two planned so far but that counts as a small series) of posts that specifically have to do with parenting beyond the elementary school years. This week's entry is made up of my ideas for titles for imaginary books for preteens, teens and the people who parent them:

1. That's a Massive Amount of Mayonnaise: A Guide to Cringe-Watching Your Sons Make Sandwiches

2. Why Start Flushing Now? You're Already in the Double Digits. (Alternate title: Please Tell Me You're Not That Kid Who Doesn't Flush Poop at School)

3. You Don't Believe Me But Truly, Less is More: A Cautionary Tale Regarding Applying Scents

4. I Know That You "Already Know That, Mom!" So Why For the Love of God Do I Have to Keep Telling You?

5. This Hurts Me More Than it Hurts You: Doling Consequences to Teens is Absolutely One of the Worst Parts of Parenting

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