Friday, May 1, 2020

Five on Friday: Weenie Roast Questions

This week I've been creating a lot, sewing cloth masks with cute little drawstring storage bags, socially distanced gifts and celebration plans for my parents' anniversary and, of course,  so, so, so much food.

Sometimes it feels like creativity begets creativity and I think that's the only way to explain how I came up with what feels like it *might* be a brilliant idea. How to fight boredom, create fun family together time, get the kids' creative juices flowing and get myself a night of free entertainment? 


Featuring roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and the promise for earned extra s'mores for performances (song, dance, comedy routine, etc)

As each kid noticed the invitation, they each had questions:

1. The weenie roast is on Saturday from 5 to 2??? (Not sure what she thinks that @6pm means)

2.  Is it just going to be us? Or is someone else coming? (Dude. Really?)

3.  Does one joke count as a comedy routine? NO? Five minutes? What about three minutes? Is three minutes close enough to five minutes?

4. How many s'mores do we get if we don't perform? How many extra ones can we earn?

5. Since it's a roast, can we "roast" someone? (Which led to me asking and then answering my own question: "Could you do it without making someone cry? Probably not, so no.")

Stay tuned for the results of our first Family Weenie Roast and Variety Show!

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