Friday, August 23, 2019

Five on Friday: Our First Week Without the College Freshman Here

Just when I was starting to feel like I was maybe being a little melodramatic about the whole "B going to college five hours away" thing, I started getting messages and real-life hugs from people who'd either done it before or don't look forward to doing it.

Thank you, friends, for indulging me while we adjust. One friend (the amazingly talented Emma Gordon whom I was fortunate enough to share The Moth stage with)  suggested that I try to "Dive, naked into something creative. It’s the only thing I can think of that may help."

I decided to give it a try. Though some of these projects were started before I got her advice, I got to finish them with a renewed cathartic focus.

Here are some of the fun creative projects that have helped me occupy me this week, both at work and at home:

1. A fun day for kids at the Museum at work had me helping kids make turtles:

2. . . . and bracelets (and sheep but I apparently don't have any good pictures of them) :

3. Preparing for the Women's Equality Day March & Festival (local friends: join us!) by making lots of fun activities like this face-in-the-hole thing (is there a better name for these???) that my husband helped me assemble:

4. I appreciate his help and his pointing out that it's not accessible for everyone . . . so this morning I had time to make a hand held face-in-the-hole thing (I haven't thought of a better name for these yet since #3)

5. Lastly, I have made myself a Lucy Stone/Suffragist costume for Sunday but I can't reveal that just yet. However, I can show you this Lifting As We Climb banner I made from scraps:

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