Friday, September 9, 2016

Five on Friday: Back to School--A Study in Contrasts

As I reflect on my one full week of kids being at school (well. There were two half days and one holiday day off, so not exactly a normal full week but we're getting there . . .) I realize that, for me, it has been a study in contrasts. 

1. Need to Slow Down/Speed Up: Oh, there are so many things I need to do! Deep clean and organize, harvest and save what I can from the garden, make phone calls and appointments. My inclination is to do them ALL immediately and I've had to remind myself that they'll be in school for months now so I can pace myself. Meanwhile, I've gotten back to my daily runs and was looking back on some of my past workouts (I have an app for that) and saw how much faster and further I was going back in June. D'oh! You need to speed up, you slow old lady!

2.  I Don't Miss Them/I Miss Them: I love them dearly but I have a lot I need to do and the bickering was reaching an all time high. They love school, I love the break. I don't miss them. But I did notice that when I got home from the supermarket yesterday and honked my horn, nobody came out to help me unload the groceries . . .

3.  Quieter/Louder: Obviously it's so quiet here all day but the minute they get home their chaos seems about a thousand times louder. I understand now why my husband, who spends a lot more time away from them than I do, frequently finds their volume so unbearable.

4.  So Much Time/Not Enough Time: Each morning after I get them on the bus, the day is stretched out ahead of me with endless possibility. I do know I can't do it ALL in one day (#1) so I prioritize my to-do list and then get cracking. And blink! The bus is back, just like that.

5. Writing/Not Writing: With more quiet time (#3) and more time to run (#1) and when I run I do a lot of thinking, I'm breaking out of my no-new-writing summer slump. But with trying to catch up on so much that needs to be done (#1) and the day going by so quickly (#4), it's staying in my head. So that's not actually writing, now is it?

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