Friday, February 5, 2016

Five on Friday: Recent Times I've Been Grateful for Being a SAHM

Right when I'm amping up my search for (paying) work, I keep having experiences that make me so glad and grateful that I'm a stay-at-home-Mom (thanks Daddy O). Like:

1.  When I was able to help a friend in a big way. She is such a wonderful friend--it made me incredibly happy to have the time to help her out.

2. Having time to do be involved in causes I believe in like  the recent MLK Day of Community Service and an upcoming One Billion Rising flash mob.

3. Being able to take it easy (for a few hours at least!) and take a good solid nap when I have a cold and had a terrible night of sleep.

4. Now that I don't have to try to get everything done during 2.5 preschool hours, I can do some chores around the house and let the temperature warm up a little before going out for my jog. I am NOT a naturally born athlete at all (I still can't believe I own sneakers quite frankly) but I have really come to appreciate and even enjoy (!!) my time alone outside exercising. But I still hate the cold.

5. Seeing my kindergarten girl's face light up when I walk into her class to be a parent volunteer.

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