Friday, May 16, 2014

Five on Friday: Five Unsual Jobs I've Had

I've been feeling so satisfied with my blogging career lately--things really seem to be taking off. 450 Facebook followers (and only 250 of them are my actual Facebook friends!) Performing! Writing for other blogs! Radio interviews! Newspaper articles! Of course I make almost no money but I'm subscribing to the "do what you love and the money will follow" theory. (Thank you darling husband.)

In the meantime, I thought I'd share five unusual jobs I have been paid for in my lifetime:

1. Being a clown at children's birthday parties.
2. Party promoter (drawing posters, hanging them up around town, passing them out and then getting the party started by heating up the dance floor. Oh and sometimes we bought crazy little tzotchkes to hand out.)
3. Food server at an international technology convention. In Switzerland. While being put up in an apartment in France.
4. Sign maker.
5. Local coordinator for foreign Au Pairs and their American families. Best part of the job was the monthly outing with the Au Pairs--and when I quit, they were so sad they bought me a "In Sympathy" card. Being non-native English speakers, they thought this was the appropriate occasion for such a card. Being a native English speaker, I found this uproariously funny. I still laugh when I see it.

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