Friday, November 22, 2013

Five on Friday: Five Things I Had in My Twenties that I Wonder What Happened To

1. That wooden painted sign I had that said "SHINDIG THAT-A-WAY" with an arrow
2. Giant illuminated letter that used to be part of a store's sign. Also, was it an E? Or an S?
3. Blue Sweater. (That's what we called it and it was always being borrowed.)
4. All that gay porn we found hidden in the drop ceiling of our apartment, well besides being made into some fantastic valentines, what ever happened to the rest of it?
5. My smart clapper (that I had two pink poodle lamps plugged into so I could clap-clap and say “Sha-sha!” and she’d turn on before I’d clap-clap-clap and say, “Fifi!” and she’d turn on too. I still have the lamps.)

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